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[Bug] Standalone version doesn't work

Windows 8.1, 64bit

When I run Milton.exe I get the following message

"The default canvas could not be set to open the next time you run Milton. Please contact the developers."

After clicking OK Milton opens up. Then as soon as i draw a line the following message appears

"Could not create file for saving!"

after which Milton closes.

I tried running it with administrator privileges but it still didn't work.

I didn't try the installer version.
Thanks for reporting!

Seems like Milton can't access the AppData directory.

If you go to %appdata% in Explorer (Typing %appdata% should work. But the path is, in Win7/10: C:\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\), is there a MiltonPaint directory? If so, what happens if you delete the MiltonPaint\data directory? (if it exists)

A shot in the dark. Does your Windows username have non-ASCII characters? This could be a bug in how I'm handling UTF-8<->Wchar conversion.

Thanks again
Yes, my username is actually in Greek.

It's very possible that it would be it - since I've came across programs that have issue with this too.

%appdata% does have a milton folder created though so I don't know. (deleting it and running milton doesn't change anything)

(On a side note - would it be possible for the standalone to save the needed data in its folder? I prefer when programs do that instead of appdata.)
I could replicate the problem by creating a new user with some non-US characters in the name.

Regarding saving to the program's folder for the standalone version. I started providing the zip to get around the problem of the installer getting scanned as a virus. I also think that "standalone" usually means having the whole program in a single folder, and I can see why you would prefer that. But it was bad naming, I don't want to have the overhead of maintaining two versions of the program that do the same thing slightly differently. Maybe it would have been better to save in the same directory as the exe, but oh well..

Thanks again for the bug report :)

[Edit: Forgot to address the side note]

Edited by Sergio González on
Hey there

Replying to the thread because this bug is fixed in the most recent build.

And since this will show up in the feed I could make it an announcement.

Milton 1.2.4 :)

link here

It's mostly a bugfix release. Hopefully the next release will be a little more exciting.

Edited by Sergio González on Reason: used a signature. removed signature :)